4. Europa
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Abortion laws: the Polish symptom of a European malady?
(Ars Aequi, 2021)La reciente decisión del Tribunal Constitucional de Polonia de eliminar la posibilidad de un aborto legal en casos de anomalías fetales fatales denota que una ola de sentimientos contra el aborto está ganando terreno en ... -
Aborto em Portugal: novas tendencias no constitucionalismo europeu
(Revista Direito GV, 2017)O presente capítulo procura desvendar esta evolução da jurisprudência constitucional do aborto em Portugal e identificar as circunstâncias jurídicas e políticas da formação da nova doutrina constitucional que hoje predomina ... -
International Planned Parenthood European Network v. Italy (2014), Complaint No. 87/2012, decision published 10 March 2014 (European Committee on Social Rights, Strasbourg, France) Sentencia en linea.
(2014)[Italy violated the right to health: abortion laws were discriminatory as the only women who were guaranteed access to legal abortion were ones who could afford to travel to various hospitals and regions of the country to ... -
Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) v. Italy (2016), Complaint No. 91/2013 (European Committee on Social Rights, Strasbourg, France) Sentencia en linea.
(2016)[Italy violated the right to work and the right to dignity in work as doctors who did not conscientiously object to abortion had most of their workload consist of abortion care which had the effect of restricting other ... -
Z. v. Poland, App. No. 46132/08, Eur. Ct. H. R. (2012). Sentencia en Inglés.
(2012)[no violations found in case of a woman repeatedly denied medical care for a condition she contracted while pregnant, since doctors feared that treatment would harm the fetus; result: both the mother and the fetus died] -
Vo v. France, App. No. 53924/00, 40 E.H.R.R. 12 (2004). Sentencia en Inglés.
(2004)[applicant awarded damages for medical negligence which resulted in the loss of her pregnancy; Court decided not to rule on whether an unborn child is protected under Article 2] -
R.R. v. Poland, App. No. 27617/04, Eur. Ct. H.R. (2011). Sentencia en Inglés.
(2011)[Poland violated applicant’s rights to freedom from inhumane and degrading treatment and respect for private life by denying her timely access to diagnostic tests and information which would have enabled her to decide ... -
Pichon and Sajous v. France, Case No. 49853/99, Eur. Ct. H.R. (2001) Sentencia en inglés
(2001)[pharmacist complaint inadmissible; pharmacists cannot, based on their religious beliefs, refuse to sell contraceptives that have been prescribed by doctor] -
Siobhàn Whelan v. Ireland, Comm. No. 2425/2014: Ireland 12/06/2017, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/119/D/2425/2014 (UN Human Rights Committee), 12 June 2017, [Woman forced to travel to the UK for an abortion after fatal fetal abnormality diagnosis. Abortion laws are "cruel and inhumane."] Sentencia en linea. Extra copia en español.
(2017)[Woman forced to travel to the UK for an abortion after fatal fetal abnormality diagnosis. Abortion laws are "cruel and inhumane".] -
Amanda Jane Mellet v. Ireland, CCPR/C/116/D/2324/2013, March 31, 2017, published November 17, 2016 (United Nations, Human Rights Committee). Sentencia. Extra copia en español
(2017)[Woman was forced to travel to obtain an abortion as Ireland banned abortion in cases of fatal fetal abnormality. Ireland's law was found in violation of the ICCPR and the government was asked to change its law.] -
P. and S. v. Poland, App. No. 57375/08, Eur. Ct. H.R. (2012). Sentencia en Inglés
(2012)[Poland violated rights of a minor who sought a legal abortion after rape. Minor was subjected to: doctor’s refusal to help and refusal to provide a referral; distorted information about the law; detention in a juvenile ... -
Open Door Counselling and Dublin Well Woman v. Ireland, App. Nos. 14234/88 and14235/88, Eur. Ct. H.R. (1992). Sentencia en español
(1992)[restrictions that prevented two non-governmental organizations from informing pregnant women about abortion clinics in Great Britain were deemed a violation of freedom of expression in Article 10; Ireland sought to rely ... -
Grimmark v. Sweden, App. No. 43726/17, Eur. Ct. H.R. (2020) Sentencia en Inglés.
(2020)Sweden's decision not to hire midwives who refused to participate in abortions complied with Article 9, since the freedom to manifest one's religious beliefs is subject to qualifications; applicant's complaint was deemed ... -
D. v. Ireland, App. No. 26499/02, Eur. Ct. H.R. (2006). Sentencia en Inglés.
(2006)[Health insurance denied claim of woman who travelled to UK for abortion; case declared inadmissible because she did not exhaust domestic remedies regarding the availability of abortion in Ireland in cases of fatal fetal ... -
Costa and Pavan v. Italy, No. 54270/10, 28th August 2012, Sentencia en Inglés.
(2012)[re assisted reproduction and abortion for healthy carriers of cystic fibrosis] -
Boso v. Italy, App. No. 50490/99,Eur. Ct. H.R. (2002). Sentencia en Inglés
(2002)[Inadmissible: complaint of a man whose wife had had a legal abortion without his consent; a man's rights to private and family life and right to marriage and family yield to the mother's rights because she is the primary ... -
A, B, and C v. Ireland, [2010] E.C.H.R. 2032, Sentencia en Inglés.
(2010)[Ireland's restrictive abortion law did not violate the ECHR. However, Ireland's failure to adopt legislation and effective and accessible procedure for women to access lawful abortions under that scheme was a violation ...