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Siobhàn Whelan v. Ireland, Comm. No. 2425/2014: Ireland 12/06/2017, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/119/D/2425/2014 (UN Human Rights Committee), 12 June 2017, [Woman forced to travel to the UK for an abortion after fatal fetal abnormality diagnosis. Abortion laws are "cruel and inhumane."] Sentencia en linea. Extra copia en español.7

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Siobhàn Whelan v. Ireland, Comm. No. 2425/2014: Ireland 12/06/2017, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/119/D/2425/2014 (UN Human Rights Committee), 12 June 2017, [Woman forced to travel to the UK for an abortion after fatal fetal abnormality diagnosis. Abortion laws are "cruel and inhumane."] Sentencia en linea. Extra copia en español.0000061

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176 CCPR_C_119_D_2425_2014.pdf3

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Estados Unidos7

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San Diego4